Our academic programs support creative practitioners who strive for a world that’s brighter, more inclusive, relentlessly innovative, and ecologically resilient.


Majors, minors & graduate programs

The United Kingdom is the largest island in the continent of Europe which comprises four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and many islands around the world. The country has only one land border with Ireland and the rest is surrounded by water. The UK is located in the northwestern part of Europe and it comprises an area of 2,42,800 Km2. Officially, the full name of the country is “The United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland”, but it’s commonly referred to as “The United Kingdom”. Its population exceeds 67 million, with London as its capital. Other big cities in the UK include Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Liverpool, Newcastle, Nottingham, Sheffield, Bristol, Belfast, etc. English is the official spoken language in the country and the sterling pound is the currency. The UK’s political definition is that of a parliamentary monarchy. It plays a major and central role in global politics and economy and is considered one of the greatest countries in the world. The United Kingdom performs well in most measures of well-being relative to most other countries in the Better Life Index. The United Kingdom ranks above the average in personal security, environmental quality, civic engagement, social connections, health status, jobs and earnings, income and wealth, education and skills, and subjective well-being.

The education system in the UK
The United Kingdom education system is one of the most distinguished in the world. Many countries in the world adopted the British school system with minor changes. Some of the British universities are worldwide known for their excellent quality with specific ones topping the global rankings. The UK education system is popular among international students because of its world-class universities and their advanced teaching system. International students share a substantial part of the British student population and are home to more than a million students. After the US, this country is the second most popular destination for international students. Every year almost 300,000 international students come to study in the UK. By studying in the UK, you will have the opportunity to experience new cultures and meet people from different sections of society. Universities in the UK offers numerous courses which help students secure a job within the country or elsewhere.

Facts about Education in UK

  • 4 of the top 6 universities in the world are in Great Britain (World Rankings, QS).
  • Great Britain is a world-leading research nation (International Comparative Performance of the UK Research Base, BIS). 54% of the research conducted by British universities is classed as being either ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’ (Research Assessment Exercise).
  • 97% of education colleges are considered satisfactory or better (Association of Colleges).
  • In the Tracking International Graduate Outcomes survey, over 88% of international graduates expressed their satisfaction with the British learning experience.
  • In the Higher Education Academy Postgraduate Taught Experience survey of British postgraduate students, 93% rated highly the quality of the teaching and research offered.


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