
Our academic programs support creative practitioners who strive for a world that’s brighter, more inclusive, relentlessly innovative, and ecologically resilient.


Majors, minors & graduate programs

Canada is the second-largest country in the world and is situated in the continent of North America. It is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. Canadians are few in numbers compared to the immigrant population. Canada shares the border with the United States and it is the world longest border not patrolled by the military force. Ottawa is the national capital and it is the fourth largest city. Toronto and Montreal are the first and second-largest cities in terms of population and education. Vancouver is considered the third-largest city and it is famous for its trade centres.

The education system in Canada

Canada is eminent for its excellent academic standards worldwide. It’s a dream of every international student to do their undergraduate or postgraduate in Canada. This is mainly because Canada provides high-quality education with affordable tuition fees, scholarship benefits and friendliness towards foreign students. It is also believed to be one of the safest countries in the world for international students. Many internationally ranked universities are situated in Canada. With good academic performance, the employability rate is high in Canada.

Facts about education in Canada

  • When it comes to higher education, Canada is in fact one of the cheapest one that still give world-recognized certificates.
  • In Canada, 80 percent of colleges and universities are managed by the government, which ensures the students are provided with a quality education.
  • International students can become permanent residents through their studies in Canada.
  • International students wishing to find a job in Canada after their studies can enter the Student Partners Program or SPP. It will provide them with post-study work permits of up to 3 years.
  • The majority of international students come from China, Korea, India, Saudi Arabia and the United States.


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