
Our academic programs support creative practitioners who strive for a world that’s brighter, more inclusive, relentlessly innovative, and ecologically resilient.


Majors, minors & graduate programs

Australia is the largest country in the world and is located in the southern hemisphere. It is lies between the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. The climate in Australia ranges from temperate to tropical. January – February are the summer months and June – July is their winter months. The Australian continent has a variety of natural geographical features like rain forests, sandy beaches, deserts, lakes, rivers and mountains. Australians enjoy a very good standard of living further enhanced by a relaxed lifestyle giving equal importance to work and play. The education system in Australia Australia is internationally known for its high-quality education as well as research excellence. Because the governments keep tight control on the working of both the universities and vocational institutes, a high standard of education delivery can be maintained. The government also ensures a code of conduct to be followed in educational institutions that is helpful to international students and their parents who send them overseas. Australia provides a friendly, culturally rich, sophisticated as well as being a safe environment to study in. With only the US and UK ahead of it, Australia has the third-largest number of international students studying there. International students prefer Australia because the qualifications are world-recognized which often leads to good job opportunities.

Facts about Education in Australia

  • Six of the world’s top 100 universities are in Australia.
  • Australia has an outstanding higher education system. With over 22,000 courses across 1,100 institutions.
  • International students report almost 90% satisfaction scores for their living and study experience in Australia.
  • More than 2.5 million of Australia’s international alumni are making a global difference.
  • Australian graduates are high achievers and have produced 16 Nobel laureates.


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