
Our academic programs support creative practitioners who strive for a world that’s brighter, more inclusive, relentlessly innovative, and ecologically resilient.


Majors, minors & graduate programs

Ireland is a country located in Western Europe and occupies a greater part of the British Isles. Ireland is known for its green countryside and lively urban life and is nicknamed Emerald Isle. The official name is the Republic of Ireland and Dublin is the capital of Ireland. The currency used in Ireland is the Euro. The population of Ireland is 4.9 million and the Irish are open-minded people. Ireland is an English speaking country but English is not the only official language. Irish is also one of the official languages.

The education system in Ireland
Ireland has become one of the most popular destinations for international students. This is because its universities offer high-quality education and are famous for their research institutes. Universities in Ireland provide scholarships that are based on the student’s academics. There are numerous programs to choose and international students find it easy to get admission is some of the top universities in Ireland. It takes three to four years to complete a bachelor’s degree and for a postgraduate degree, it takes one year. Some of the major companies are located in Ireland which helps student find their dream job.

Facts about Education in Ireland

  • Universities in Ireland offer very specific job oriented programs. These programs are industry focussed and are highly specialized. Programs in Ireland Universities and Colleges are prepared according to industry requirements.
  • The Universities of Ireland are globally recognized for their infrastructure and facilities provided for the International students. Most of the universities in Ireland have massive campuses that are spread over acres of land.
  • After finishing studies in Ireland, international students get a 2 years post study stay back option under the Irish Third Level Graduate Scheme.
  • International students can also work part time in Ireland for up to a maximum of 20 hours per week and up to a maximum of 40 hours per week during holidays.
  • Universities in Ireland are known World over for their research work.


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