New Zealand

Our academic programs support creative practitioners who strive for a world that’s brighter, more inclusive, relentlessly innovative, and ecologically resilient.


Majors, minors & graduate programs

New Zealand is situated in the South Pacific Ocean and is an island country and its nearest neighbour is Australia. New Zealand comprises two main islands which are the north island and the south island. There are numerous small islands and some of them are miles apart from the main island. Most of the cities and towns in New Zealand are relatively small and sparsely populated. Life in New Zealand is relaxed and has all the facilities. Beaches, parks, cycle tracks and walking trails are some of the main attractions in this island nation.

The education system in New Zealand.
The education system in New Zealand is recognized worldwide because of its high-quality education. New Zealand still follows the education system of the British. This is because the country was ruled by the British and most of the systems are been followed by the British system. It takes three to four years to complete a bachelor’s degree and one to two years for a master’s degree. The education system in New Zealand focuses on real-life skills which helps you to secure a job anywhere in the world. There are lots of opportunities for skilled professionals in New Zealand which helps the student to settle in the country.

Facts about Education in
New Zealand

  • Universities were awarded over 85% of the $83 million allocated in the latest round of Health Research Council funding and employ most of New Zealand’s researchers.
  • At 81%, New Zealand’s bachelor’s degree completion rates (three years out from the theoretical duration of a programme) are equal with Denmark and second only to the UK.
  • New Zealand university graduates earn between $1.3-$4 million more over their careers than a non-graduate after their costs of study are taken into account.
  • New Zealand’s universities generate $500+ million each year through commercialising their research, development and share their knowledge through teaching, publications and research collaborations.
  • New Zealand is thought to be the only country in the world to have all its universities ranked in the top 3% of universities worldwide.


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