James Cook University

James Cook University is a public university in North Queensland, Australia. The second oldest university in Queensland, JCU is a teaching and research institution. The university’s main campuses are located in the tropical cities of Cairns and Townsville, and one in the city state of Singapore

About the University

The Deputy Vice Chancellor James Cook University Australia and Head of the Singapore Campus, Professor Chris Rudd OBE heads the management team at JCU Singapore.James Cook University has the highest level of quality assurance in Singapore for Private Education Institutions. This is known as EduTrust Star and is a symbol of recognition for outstanding achievement. EduTrust Star is awarded to those institutions for attaining a commendable level of performance in managing their institutions and providing an outstanding quality of education and welfare for their students.James Cook University is the first organisation with EduTrust Star. By obtaining this award for the second time in 2019, James Cook University has displayed its commitment and focus as a student centric educational institution.James Cook University is located in Cairns, Singapore and Townsville, with study centres in Mackay, Mount Isa, Thursday Island, Atherton and Malanda.James Cook University was established to conduct teaching and research on areas of importance to the tropics. Our focus is on producing graduates who have the expertise to make a difference in their profession and their communities. We are also committed to providing the professional workforce for under-served communities and providing access and opportunity to those people who may not have previously been able to access higher education.At James Cook University our high quality research informs our teaching. Staff and students benefit from our tropical location in being able to conduct nationally and internationally significant research in environmental science and management, marine science, ecology, biology and biochemistry, geosciences, tropical health and medicine, high speed wind engineering, Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, linguistics, and tourism studies. Our extensive network of research stations and facilities includes sites on two UNESCO World Heritage areas – the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet tropics rainforests of Northern Queens James Cook University Australia is ranked in the top 300 of universities in the world1,2. The Centre for World University Rankings has ranked JCU No.1 in the world for Marine and Freshwater Biology and No.2 in the world for Biodiversity Conservation. JCU is the top institution in the world for citations in coral reef science according to ISI essential science indicators. In 2016 JCU ranked 2nd in Australia, and 22nd in the World, for Environment/Ecology reputation and research in the U.S. News & World Report-Best Global University Rankings. In 2016 JCU ranked 1st in Australia for Life and Earth Sciences in the citations based Leiden rankings.12022 Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings22021 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)

Courses offered by University



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